The Inspector-General of Police, IGP Kayode Adeolu Egbetokun, has expressed shock over “the deaths of Retired DIG Moses Ambakina Jitoboh, who passed on during the early hours of Friday 27th December, 2024, after a brief illness, and Pastor Bola Longe (AIG Rtd.) who passed away on Sunday 22nd December 2024.”
In a statement on Saturday, through the Force Public Relations Officer, Olumuyiwa Adejobi, the IGP said “the Retired DIG Moses Jitoboh served as the Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Department of Information & Communications Technology (ICT), Force Headquarters, before his retirement in 2023, while retired AIG Bola Longe had served as the CP Nasarawa State, and as the Assistant Inspector-General of Police, Federal Operations, Force Headquarters Abuja, before his retirement in 2021.
“Their contributions to the Nigeria Police Force, dedication to service and integrity can never be forgotten. The passing of these officers is a great loss, not only to their families but to the entire Nigeria Police Force.
“On behalf of the entire officers of the Nigeria Police Force, the IGP extends his sincere condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of late Rtd. DIG Moses Jitoboh, and Pastor Bola Longe (AIG Rtd.), praying for solace during this difficult time. May their souls rest in peace”